You are protected from discrimination regardless of your race, color, or national origin because of Title VII. Title VII is a portion of the legislation that was created in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a historic combination of laws that greatly increased the level of protection from discrimination and other civil injustices for many Americans.
What Is Considered Color & National Origin Discrimination?
Employees and applicants are protected against being treated unfavorably because of the individual's race but also because of physical characteristics (hair texture, color, facial features) associated with race. When these protections are not honored, workers may file discrimination claims against their employers.
Although color discrimination may sound similar to race discrimination, it differs in that it involves treating someone unfavorably because of skin color complexion. National origin discrimination is the unfavorable treatment of an employee or applicant because of where the individual, or the individual's ancestors, came from. It also protects people from unfavorable treatment because of an accent.
In race, color, and national origin discrimination law, the employee's protection is extended to include prohibiting unfavorable treatment of the employee because of the employee's marriage to, or association with, someone of a particular race, color, or national origin as well as because of a person's connection to a race-based organization, or ethnic organization.
Schedule your complimentary initial consultation today by calling our Los Angeles Discrimination Law firm at (818) 990-8300.
Some common examples of color and national origin discrimination in the workplace are:
- An "English Only Rule" means that employees are required to only speak English on the job. It is only legal if it is needed to ensure safe or efficient operation of the business and put in place for nondiscriminatory reasons.
- An employer can only require fluent English or make employment decisions based on an employee's foreign accent if fluency in English is a requirement of the job or unless the accent seriously interferes with the employee's work performance.
- Only requiring individuals of a certain race or skin color to submit work authorization documents.
- Unequal pay between groups of individuals with similar experience and job duties but different race or ethnic groups.
- An employer enacts disciplinary procedures for violating a company policy for an employee of a particular race but does not enact disciplinary procedures for the same violation for many employees of a different race.
Need Help? Kingsley Szamet Is Here for You!
Proving discrimination based on race, color or national origin can be challenging, but with the right legal team, it can be done. Take the first step to protecting yourself and stopping this hurtful and illegal behavior.
Take advantage of a free initial consultation to discuss your specific case by calling (818) 990-8300 or by clicking here to contact us.